The importance of quicklime

Quicklime is indispensable in so many areas. Without it, we would have no homes for a start, because there would be no mortar. We would have to travel on rough tracks instead of roads, and the manufacture of glass and paper would be impossible, as would the production of iron and therefore the manufacture of tools. Mankind discovered the benefits of quicklime thousands of years ago. The only way to make it is to burn limestone in a kiln. The natural CO2 contained in the stone is released into the atmosphere, and all that is left is burnt lime: CaO – a hugely versatile raw material.

The application of quicklime

Steel making

The manufacture of steel, the world’s most commonly used material, is impossible without quicklime. Our calcium oxide, in the form of lump lime with grain size up to 60 mm, is used to manufacture pig iron. Within the blast furnace, the quicklime ensures that undesired contaminants like manganese, silicic acid, phosphorus and even sulphur are removed from the pig iron and fixed in the slag.


Lime delivers major efficiency gains in agriculture and pond fish culture in a way that is safe for the environment. Lime are a vital mineral substance in livestock feed and for providing healthy nutrition , it is also used in soil to ensure an optimal pH value.

Environmental Protection

Quicklime products neutralise exhaust gas emissions, waste water from production processes, sewage sludge, and untreated water destined for drinking water. They also eliminate pathogenic germs and odours and bind heavy metals. The products used are calcium oxide and calcium dihydrate reagents, which are tailored to the special conditions of our industrial and local authority customers.

Asphalt aggregate

Quicklime for road paving - blended products for the refinement of asphalt. For road surfacing, refined qualities of quicklime are used to slow down the ageing of asphalt. Through the chemical reaction with bitumen, the asphalt surface becomes more resistant to higher temperatures and is protected against embrittlement cracks and cracking due to moisture absorption.


Quicklime has been used for construction since ancient times. The binding property of quicklime means that structures can survive for thousands of years. The Egyptian pyramids and the Great Wall of China are just two examples of the historical use of quicklime. Indeed, we know that mankind started using lime mortar as far back in time as 14,000 years ago.

Miscellaneous industries

Quicklime products (burnt lime, calcium hydroxide) are used in the chemicals industry, for example for the production of calcium carbide, propylene oxide, sodium carbonate and glycerine. They are also used to produce lactates and lactic acids as raw materials for cosmetics, medicines and foodstuffs. Calcium lactate acts as a humectant and acidity regulator in foodstuffs, for example. Calcis products are also used to make gelatine and produce citric acid for the food industry. In the paper and glass manufacturing industries, our lime products regulate the pH value. They are used for the same purpose in aluminium smelting plants and precious metal refineries.

The tailored grinding mills of quicklime

The process flow for producing quicklime mainly includes the following steps

Safety precautions. In the lime production process, it is necessary to pay attention to safety issues, including reasonable protective measures and strict temperature control to avoid safety accidents.


The customer case of quicklime grinding machines

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